8 more weeks
We have 8 more weeks left of school this year, equivalent to two months (April and May). I am going to concentrate on polynomials and graphing for the rest of the year. I have had to buckle down on my students more and have been calling more parents because some just don't want to listen at all!!! I have also been having to enforce my consequences daily and in all of my classes. I also have let them stop doing partner/group work because most of them can not handle it. Since I teach freshman, if the class is good for the day I will give them the last 5-6 minutes to study thir Biology I notes. I have realized after this year that i enjoy my 5th period class the most, my Transition to Algebra (10th graders). I think freshman are in a transition state and very immature. Although I do have to say that I enjoy my 4th period class which is my biggest class wtih 23 kids and 3 repeater students. Out of the 20 freshman about 16 are accelerated and we usually fly through the work faster than my other Pre-Algebra classes and then they are always the only class that ask me about other problems in the textbook...usually the Critical Thinking problems. It amazes me sometime how the dynamic of this class is so much different than the rest of my classess.
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