Classroom Managment Adjustments
I woulnd't say that my classroom management plan is totally the same as the one I presented this summer, but it definetly has a few "MINOR" adjustments. I have kept the same rewards, all though I do not use them often because of time. I am so busy dealing with the day to day of still getting adjusted that I forget and my students don't remind me. I am going to start the week after Labor Day. My principal doesn't allow candy so I have yet to figure out how to change that reward aspect. My expectations, rules and classroom philosophy have stayed the same. I HAD to change my consequences. After talking to other teachers, they said there is no way I would have a chance to call parents and conference everytime I child got to their second check. I realized that would be more work on me and so I change my consquences to when they get to their first check (write 100 times) and when they get to their second check (write 200 times) and the third (GET OUT and don't come back until a parent/teacher conference), so I am putting it up to the parent to contact me after I have writtent their child up. Taking the advice of one of the teachers from this summers July course, I do not make my kids raise their hand. I might change that next year. It works in the fact that it gives them a little freedom in my room, but it doesn't in that when it is the most ANNOYING CHILD and they ask you a question constantly and just yell it out at the random time, Like WHAT???? My classroom philosophy works good in the sense that when a more advanced student is done, I let them help those who don't understand.