Keila's Blog

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Finals moved up to May 15,16,17 last day of school May 26

So at the first staff meeting of the month in MAy, we find out that the Principal had a grand idea to move up the finals earlier. Of course, nobody asked her why (you just don't ask my Principal questions). So I sat and thought about what they pros and cons would be of this. PROS- Stop teaching new lessons, review comes earlier, less work on me, maybe some of the kids who have lives will not come back to school after finals, I can get the kids who stay to help me grade and clean up my room, so again LESS WORK ON ME. CONS- We are forced to teach new subjects after finals, the kids are forced to come to school becuase of some attendance policy my principal makes up or fights happen everday. So the next staff mtg comes and a teacher (who was bold enough) asks the Principal what are we going to do after finals, she laughs and says "Maybe the kids won't show up, if they do just find something for them to do." From that comment, I could infere that she was looking at the PROS list I had made. So finals comes and most of the kids came back to school that Thursday and Friday, I just watched movies. The next week attendance started dwindling down. Below 60 the first day, then 50 the next day, then 40 the next day and the same on Thursday. On Friday a few more decided to show back up, I guess to just be here on Friday and see what they called "Tha Show". I had movies for my kids to watch on Monday and had to give the Library back its tv that afternoon. I had NO kids for the next 4 days because they said my room was boring, I had no entertainment. Of course that was part of my plan from the beginning to make it boring so they would not come. IT WORKED!!! They went to other teachers classes and stayed there for the day. My favorite students did come to my class sometime and they ate lunch with me. I was done packing up my room by Tuesday. I am beginning to like this school.


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