August Blog Two- School Impressions
We have new Administration this year. The discipline seems a little more lacks than last year and we do not have ISS anymore. The principal has also informed us that there will not be a whole lot of suspensions because we have to raise or test scores and the students need to be in school all day everyday to learn. He informed us to try to deal with our kids as best as we knew how. The Algebra I scores were great this year, so the district is know longer going to have JBHM tutoring. I guess the extra money was good when it was good. I think I am getting bored on my job. I want to move on to teach higher level math next year or Gifted and Talented or something else. I am going to add some endoresments like Journalism to my certificate. The school hired a new Head Football Coach and like 4 new coaches in order to have a winning year and the season thus far is still a LOSING one (0-3). It also appears to me that coaches get it a little bit easier than other teachers and there is obvious favoritism going on. I really don't know if I like it or want to go back to it next year. I wanted to stay a third year to see my sophomore class I had last year (my favorite class) graduate from high school in 2008.