Gabby- My Success
I have a little girl student named Gabrielle. She is a freshman and I really didn't notice her until my second week of school. She sits in the desk right beside my desk and under the tv. My tv comes on everyday at 7:35am and sometimes I get over there to turn it on and sometimes it takes me 3-4 minutes. Gabby used to sing to herself randmonly and talk out loud a student across the room really quick and randmonly. I had to start reminding her of the rules I could sense an attitude in her and more attitude when I would turn the tv off..she claimed she couldnt work without noise. So I sat down at my desk one day and watched her work. I could see right through her...she just wanted attention and guidance. So I started giving her special OneONOne attention. She is in my 1st period with 12 people. when she had a question about something I would come take a seat next to her, let her take the attendance down, giving her lots of responsiblity in the classroom to make her feel important. She finally opened up to me, explaining that she was in ALS last year and had to get used to regular school this year. I said thats fine we will work on that together and when you need help with anything, asked to come see me. She said ok. She did get suspended for nine days the 7 day of school for cussing out a teacher. I was hurt and couldn't wait for her to get back (even though I now had 11 kids). When she got back I called her out in the hallway and said, "Gabbi where were you?" Suspended "For what?" cussin out ms. R "Well look if you wanna cuss me out, do it right now, right here while we are in the hallway. Because I do not want to suspended you. You need this class to move to the next grade mam." no mam, I would never cuss you out. "ok, well lets go back in and open your work and we will talk about your make-up work later." Of course she answers all questions, is smart and will help other students if I have a problem with them not answering a questions correctly. She even came to me to let me know that the principal picks on her and that she really is trying her best. I told her not to worry about it and that I would go talk to her for her. I told her NOT TO LET ANYBODY EVER GET YOU DOWN, BECAUSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE NO OTHER BUSINESS WILL MAKE IT THEIR BUSINESS TO MAKE YOU MISERABLE LIKE THEM.